Rural eSpeaking, Winter 2024


Kia ora

Today we have published the Winer edition of Rural eSpeaking.


  • Budget 2024: What was in it for the rural sector?
  • The future of indoor pig farming: Concerns that policy is threatening indoor pig farming
  • Over the fence: Service tenancies on the farm – Checking terms of engagement regarding liability – Farm lease coming to an end? What is required


If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or of course on any other rural or general legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Fineprint Winter 2024


Kia ora

Today we have published the Winter 2024 edition of Fineprint. We hope you find the articles both interesting and useful.


  • Preparing your business for sale
  • Providing for your family in your will – You have some legal obligations
  • Employee burnout – Acknowledge and address this
  • Avoiding scams – Tips to protect yourself
  • Postscript: Holidays Act 2003 to be overhauled – Roadside drug testing to be rolled out – Visual artists will receive royalties when work on-sold

If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or indeed on any other legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our details are below or in Fineprint itself.


Property Speaking, Winter 2024


Kia ora

Today we have published the Winter 2024 edition of Property Speaking; your PDF is attached. We hope that you find the articles to be both interesting and useful.


  • Commercial leases: Reinstatement obligations for tenants
  • Pre-settlement property inspection: The week before settlement
  • Property briefs: Finance condition in the agreement – LIM condition – Building report condition

If you would like to talk more about any of these topics, or indeed any other property law or general legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Rural eSpeaking Autumn 2024


Kia ora

Today we have published the Autumn edition of Rural eSpeaking



  • Significant Natural Areas: Suspended while government overhauls RMA
  • Live animal exports: Government intends to lift the ban
  • Over the fence: Contract grazing – 90-day trial periods available again for all employers – Minimising phosphorus in waterways


If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or of course on any other rural or general legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Autumn 2024 edition of Fineprint


Kia ora

Today we have published the Autumn 2024 edition of Fineprint; your PDF is attached. We hope you find the content both interesting and useful.


  • Invoices not being paid on time? A steer for debtors and creditors
  • Personal grievances: Employers must act in good faith
  • Receiving an inheritance during your relationship
  • Do I still need a trust?
  • Postscript: Incorporated societies: must register by April 2026 – Minimum wage increases – Before you dig

If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or indeed on any other legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Property Speak Autumn 2024


Kia ora

Today we have published the Autumn 2024 edition of Property Speaking; your PDF is attached. We hope that you find the articles to be both interesting and useful.


  • Commercial leasing and landlord consent: Tenants wanting to alter the premises or their use
  • Easements: Rights of way, draining sewage and water, and conveying utilities
  • Property briefs: The new government has brought in significant changes to the property sector:

.  Bright-line test changes

.  RMA legislation

.  Rental and tenancy updates


If you would like to talk more about any of these topics, or indeed any other property law or general legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Trust eSpeaking


Kia ora

Today we have published the Autumn 2024 edition of Trust eSpeaking. We hope you find the articles interesting.


  • Making a bequest to a charity: Careful will drafting is essential
  • Estates and guarantees: Can cause difficult legal issues
  • Can your ex-spouse claim your property when you die? Agreeing on a division of relationship property after you and your spouse separate can be fraught.

If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or of course on any other trust, wills or legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Rural eSpeaking, Summer 2023


Kia ora

Today we have published the Summer edition of Rural eSpeaking


  • National, ACT and New Zealand First coalition: What can agriculture expect?
  • Three Waters and Resource Management Act 1991 replacement legislation: To be repealed
  • Over the fence: Family home v homestead: implications for relationship property – Road user charges: when to pay them? – Casual employees v seasonal workers


If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or of course on any other rural or general legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Fineprint, Summer 2023


Kia ora

Today we have published the Summer 2023 edition of Fineprint. We hope you find the content both interesting and useful.


  • Two decades on: Proposed changes to the Retirement Villages Act 2003
  • What happens to your children when you separate?
  • Generative AI and copyright: Are you taking the right precautions?
  • Receivership, voluntary administration and liquidation: What are the differences?
  • Postscript: Mainzeal case and the implications for current and future directors


If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or indeed on any other legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Property Speaking Spring 2023


Kia ora
Today we have published the Spring 2023 edition of Property Speaking; your PDF is attached. We hope that you find the articles to be both interesting and useful.

• What happens if your builder goes bust? Choose carefully
• Alternative methods to sell your property: Auction and tender overview
• Property briefs:
. First Home Partner scheme on hold
. Council delays for property developers
. Short-term accommodation – take care, and
. Election impact on property issues

If you could like to talk more about any of these topics, or indeed any other property law or general legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Trust eSpeaking Spring 2023


Kia ora

Today we have published the Spring 2023 edition of Trust eSpeaking; your PDF is attached. We hope you find the articles both interesting and useful.


  • Decision in ‘Alphabet case’ could change succession landscape – significant issues raised
  • Refusing an inheritance – what options does a trustee have?
  • Polyamorous relationships – Supreme Court confirms that the Property (Relationships) Act can apply

If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or of course on any other trust or legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us

Fineprint Winter 2023


Kia ora

Today we have published the Winter 2023 edition of Fineprint; your PDF is attached. We hope you find the content both interesting and useful.


  • Land covenants: now commonplace in residential developments
  • Advance directives: right to choose your healthcare
  • School boards of trustees: significant obligations and responsibilities
  • Time changed to raise personal grievance for sexual harassment: extended from 90 days to 12 months
  • Postscript: Firearms Register now up and running – Looking after your mental health

If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or indeed on any other legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Property Speaking – Winter 2023


Kia ora

Today we have published the Winter 2023 edition of Property Speaking; your PDF is attached. We hope that you find the content both useful and interesting.


  • Kāinga Ora First Home Partner scheme: a co-ownership option
  • Owning a heritage building: a burden or a boon?
  • Property briefs: Unit titles legislation updates – First Home Grants thresholds increase – Loan to value restrictions eased

If you would like to talk more about any of these topics, or indeed any other property law or general legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

The next edition will be published after Labour Weekend.

Ngā mihi

Trust eSpeaking


Today we have published the Autumn 2023 edition of Trust eSpeaking.


  • Who really wants to be a trustee?  A trustee has many obligations
  • Who are the “children of the settlors”?  Make it clear in the trust deed
  • Tikanga in the law of Aotearoa New Zealand: role of tikanga in Peter Ellis case

If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or of course on any trust or legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Fineprint Summer


Today we have published the Summer 2022 edition of Fineprint.


Greenwashing: ‘green’ credentials are good, but take care

Instant dismissal: employers, disrepute and social media

Shared parenting: relocating the children without consent

Attorney vs executor: what is the difference?

Postscript: Fair Pay Agreements legislation passed – some plastic products now banned


If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or of course on any other legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Trust eSpeaking


Today we have published the Spring 2022 editon of Trust eSpeaking.


  • Trusts Act 2019 also affects executors & administrators of wills: mandatory & default duties explained
  • Wearing two hats in a family protection claim: get independent advice
  • When Lotto winners fall out: The importance of who gets what

If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or indeed on any other trust or legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Rural eSpeaking Winter 2022


Today we have published the Winter/Spring 2022 edition of Rural eSpeaking.


  • He Waka Eke Noa: Recommendations with the government
  • Crown Pastoral Land Reform Act 2022: Tenure review has ended
  • Over the fence: Health & safety responsibility – stock control bylaw changes – live export contracts

To talk further with us on any of these topics, or indeed any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Rural eSpeaking


Today we have published the Autumn 2022 edition of rural espeaking.


  • He Waka Eke Noa: Options out of the ETS for the primary sector
  • Forestry update: Challenges ahead
  • Over the fence: New minimum wage – vaccine mandate ends: how this will affect the rural sector – Russia Sanctions Act: impact on the rural sector

To talk further with us on any of these topics, or indeed any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Fineprint – Summer 2021


Today we have published the Summer edition of Fineprint.


– Defining a de facto relationship; not that straight forward when it comes to property

– Lockdown rent relief; are there remedies?

– Working from home; tax status of allowances

– Digital boost; a tool for small businesses

– Waikato DHB cyber attack; business owners must stay vigilant

– Postscript; looking after your wellbeing – put Matariki 2022 in your calendar – stay safe this summer

If you would like to talk further with us about any of the above topics, or indeed any legal matter, please be in touch.

Property Speaking – Summer 2021


​Today we have published the Summer 2021 edition of Property Speaking.


– Disputes in contracts: Help is at hand if things go wrong with your build

– Caveats: Protecting your interests in land

– Property briefs: Impacts on property dealings during Covid in Levels 2 & 3 – moving,buying & selling; property inspections; rent relief for commercial tenancies; dispute resolution – Using your property as an Airbnb over the summer

And in breaking news: the COVID-19 Response (Management Measures) Legislation Bill is almost through the House and is expected to become law in the next few days; it has some significant implications for some in the commercial property sector.

If you would like to talk further on any of the above topics please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Rural Speaking – Winter 2021


​Today we have published the Winter 2021 edition of rural espeaking.


– Significant Natural Areas: What are they? Should I be concerned?

– Buying or leasing Maori land: What does ‘alienation’ mean in this context?

– Over the fence: Climate Change Commission: carbon farming – dairy worker exception process – what is a ‘state of emergency’

To talk further with us on any of these topics, or indeed any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Rural Speaking – Autumn 2021


​Today we’ve published the Autumn 2021 edition of Rural eSpeaking. We hope you find the articles both interesting and useful.


– Rural leases: should be more specific

– Trusts: still fit for purpose for farm ownership & succession

– Over the fence: Privacy Act: affects rural sector too – New residential tenancy laws; implications for farm accommodation – National Environment Standards for Freshwater Regulations 2020; impacts on winter grazing

To talk further with us on any of these topics, or indeed any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Fineprint – Autumn 2021


​Today we have published the Autumn 2021 edition of Fineprint.


– Social media – intellectual property owners friend or foe?

– Cyber Security 101 for business: Some practical tips

– A child’s right to a relationship with both their parents: Input is needed from Mum & Dad

– LIM reports and property files: What is the difference?

– Postscript: Leave & pay entitlements during Covid response & recovery – Check your passport is current – A reminder about major changes to tenancy laws

If you would like to talk further with us about any of the above topics, or indeed any legal matter ,please be in touch.

Trust Speaking – Autumn 2021


​Today we have published the Autumn edition of Trust eSpeaking.


– Succession & trust law changes: Extension of Maori Land Court jurisdiction

– Trustees expenses: Should be reimbursed but no need for extravagance

– New trusts legislation now in focus: Disclosure of trust information to beneficiaries

If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or on any other trust or legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Fineprint – Summer 2020


​Today we have published the Summer 2020 edition of Fineprint.


– Directorships mean significant obligations: Hefty consequences for getting it wrong when company was in financial distress

– Holiday house: Rules for both owners and renters

– We’re buying a house together: Time for a contracting out agreement?

– Building a fence in town

– Postscript: Privacy Act 2020 comes into force 1st December 2020 – Stay safe this summer.

If you would like to talk further with us about any of the above topics, or indeed any legal matter, please contact us.

Trust Speaking – Spring 2020


​Today we have published the Spring edition of Trust eSpeaking.


– Legal documents signed during lockdown; get them re-signed to avoid time consuming queries later on

– Trustees decisions; decision making can be affected by bias

– Relationship property claims; sign a contracting out agreement

If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or of course on any other legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Property Speaking – Winter 2020


​Today we have published the Winter 2020 edition of Property Speaking.


– Commercial leases post – COVID: Clause 27.5 & inability to access premises

– Residential tenancies post – COVID: Some temporary changes

– Property briefs: Health home standards compliance – Commercial landlord alert changes for non-payment of rent – Mortgages & loans for property owners

To talk further on any of these topics, or indeed any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Property Speaking – Autumn 2020


​Today we have published the Autumn edition of Property Speaking.


– Adapting the agreements can help property developers; helps mitigate risk

– Agreement for Sale & Purchase of Real Estate; 10th edition contains significant changes for buyers & sellers

– Property Briefs: Update on Overseas Investment Act 2005 – Refresher on privacy rights for tenants – Proposed residential tenancy changes

To talk further on any of these topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Trust Speaking – Autumn 2020


​Today we’ve published the Autumn 2020 edition of Trust eSpeaking. We hope you find the articles both interesting & useful.


– Succession law in New Zealand: Law Commission to review conflicting inheritance laws

– Enduring Powers of Attorney: How many people should you name as attorneys?

– Claims on an Estate: How much can a disinherited child expect?

If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or indeed on any other legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Rural Speaking – Summer 2019


​Today we have published the Summer 2019 edition of our farm-focused newsletter.

We hope that you find the articles both interesting and useful.


– Action Plan for Healthy Waterways: Governments proposal to clean up waterways

– On-farm emissions reduction: Five year joint action plan launched

– Over the fence: Restructuring of the dairy industry – Immigration: changes to employer processes and visa – Animal welfare regulations reminder: dogs

To talk further with us on any of these topics, or indeed any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Trust Speaking – Spring 2019


Today we have published the Spring edition of Trust eSpeaking.


– Trusts Act 2019: The new Trusts Act 2019 will come into effect on 30 January 2021.

– Grandparent wills: Grandparents often want to give some financial assistance to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren

– Residential care subsidy thresholds, trusts & gifting.

If you would to talk more on any of these topics, or of course on any other legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Rural Speaking – Spring 2019


The Spring 2019 edition of our regular farm-focused newsletter, Rural e-Speaking is published today. We hope that you find the articles both interesting and useful.


– NAIT review: significant changes post M-bovis

– Resource management system review; complex task ahead

– Over the fence: Firearms law reform – Cattle rustling now a crime – Farm Debt Mediation Bill: a welcome relief for farmers

To talk with us on any of these topics, or indeed any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to call us.

Fineprint – Winter 2019


Today we’ve published the Winter 2019 edition of our newsletter, Fineprint.

In this issue:

– Emissions Trading Scheme: Implications for owners of forestry blocks

– Guest editorial from the CEO of the Institute of Directors, Kirsten Patterson: People and the right information are vital for effective governance

– The executor of your will: Making a good choice

– The importance of good recordkeeping: Risk of hefty penalties if you don’t

– Postscript: Companies Office helping amalgamation customers ‘get it right first time’ – Tax Working Group: capital gains tax scrubbed – Claiming legitimate business expenses

If you’d like to talk further with us about any of the topics above, or indeed on any legal matter, please be in touch.

Property Speaking – Winter 2019


Today we’ve published the Winter 2019 edition of Property Speaking.

Inside you’ll find articles on:

– Property sale and purchase agreements: important to get the GST component right

– Looking for your first home? Help to get your foot in the door

– Property Briefs: Unit Titles Act 2010: are you complying? – Healthy Homes Standards: what you need to know – damage to your rental: who foots the bill?

To talk with us on any of these topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Rural Speaking – Autumn 2019


The Autumn edition of our farm focused newsletter, Rural eSpeaking is published today.


– Tenure review of Crown pastoral land to end: What is the government proposing?

– National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry: Review due in May

– Over the fence: Minimum wage review 2019 – Employment law changes

– Crackdown on cattle rustling

We hope you find the articles both interesting and useful.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us about any of the above matters or any other matter.

Trust Speaking – Autumn 2019


Today we’ve published the Autumn edition of Trust eSpeaking; we hope you find the articles both interesting and useful.


– Accessing the assets of a trust: What the future may hold for separating couples with a trust

– No enduring power of attorney? It’s a time consuming and expensive process if you don’t have an EPA.

– The bank of mum and dad: Helping your children – with care

If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or of course on any other legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Rural Speaking – Summer 2018


The Summer 2018 edition of our regular farm focused news letter is published today.


– Agri-tourism and food: the legal implications of diversifying your farming operation

– Wandering stock: The right to impound and to claim for damages

– Over the fence: Mycoplasmabovis and land transactions – NAIT consultation underway – Dairy transactions & Fonterra – Forest Practice Guides launched – Diary Industry Awards.

To talk further on any of these topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to be in contact with us.

Fineprint – Summer 2018


Today we’ve published the Summer edition of our newsletter – Fineprint.

In this issue:

– Retirement Village life: The upside (and downside) of downsizing

– Make sure you have a Will: gives comfort to your family

– Enforceable undertakings: An alternative to prosecution under health and safety legislation

– Postscript – Inform your customers properly about extended warranties – Does ACC owe you money?

If you would like to talk further with us about any of the topics above, or indeed on any legal matter, please be in touch.

Property Speaking – Summer 2018


Today we publish the Summer 2018 edition of Property Speaking.

Inside you’ll find articles on:

– Changes affecting every buyer of residential land; Overseas Investment Amendment Act 2018 now in force

– Buying a cross lease property; quite different from a fee simple title

– Property Briefs: The agreement for sale and purchase – checking the conditions – the chattels – deciding on a settlement date; Letting fees are now defunct

To talk with us on any of these topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Trust Speaking – Spring 2018


Today we’ve published the Spring edition of Trust eSpeaking. We hope you find the articles both interesting and useful.


Do I still need at trust? Its good practice to review its purpose

How do I bring my trust to an end?

The process Validating the imperfect Wills, what can be done?

If you’d like to talk more on any of these topics, or on any other legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Rural Speaking – Spring 2018


The Spring 2018 edition of our regular farm focused newsletter – Rural eSpeaking is published today.


– Biosecurity in New Zealand: Who is liable for an outbreak of plant disease?

– Private land with public access: How is access granted?

– Over the fence: Anti-money laundering compliance – The Animal Welfare (Care & Procedures) Regulations 2018 – Farm Debt Mediation Bill & the Zero Carbon Bill

To talk further on any of these topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Property Speaking – Spring 2018


Today we publish the early Spring 2018 edition of Property Speaking.

Inside you’ll find articles on:

– Guiding your offspring into flatting

– The great lawyers fee debate

– Warmer homes for Kiwis

– Meth contamination – update

– Foreign residential investment

To talk with us on any of these topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Fineprint – Winter 2018


Today we’ve published the Winter edition of our newsletter, Fineprint.

In this issue:

– Making sure your loved one is mentally capable when signing their will

– Questions you shouldn’t ask job applicants

– Inherited debt? What if your parents die broke?

– Postscript: Keeping New Zealand safe from money launderers – AML now in force; ONEcheck – a useful tool for new business.

If you’d like to talk further with us on any of the above topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please be in touch.

Property Speaking – Autumn 2018


Today we’ve published the Autumn edition of Property Speaking. We hope you find this material interesting and useful.

Inside you’ll find the articles on:

– Is your rental safe and healty? Penalties for landlords dragging the chain

– Bright-line test period extended – the Minister of Revenue recently announced an extension to the bright-line test period from two to five years

– Keeping New Zealand safe from money launderers – more on AML and what it means for you

– Pre-purchase inspections – what you can object to and what you can’t

– Purchasing from a developer who isn’t a builder – what are the pitfalls?

To talk with us on any of these topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Rural Speaking – Autumn 2018


Today we’ve published the Autumn edition of our regular farm focused e-newsletter – Rural eSpeaking.

We hope that you find the articles both interesting and useful.


– Having your own terms of sale

– Easements – get them right first time

– Over the Fence : minimum wage rates rise on 1st April , Stock movements: Gypsy Day approaching and Mycoplasma bovis – New milk cooling regulations – Employment Relations Amendment Bill 2018: Changes afoot

To talk further on any of the above topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with us.


Property Speaking – Summer 2017


Today we’ve published the Summer 2017 edition of Property Speaking. We hope you find this material both interesting & useful.

Inside you’ll find articles on:

– Speak with us before you sign the Agreement: Don’t be like John

– Being an Airbnb Host: – You have significant obligations to a number of parties

– Property Briefs: Current tenants selling their business – what it means for a landlord; ticking the boxes on Agreements for Sale & Purchase – be careful; “Joint tenants” or “tenants in common” when buying?

To talk with us on any of these topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Fineprint – Summer 2017


Today we’ve published the Summer edition of our newsletter – Fineprint


– Privacy in the Workplace: What’s yours is mine?

– Blended Families – Wills & Trusts: Can it be fair for everyone?

– Stay safe this Summer: Driving, swimming pools and drinking

– Recent Workplace Health & Safety Sentencing: Legislation is showing its teeth

– Postscript: New provisional tax option for small businesses – Catch fish and come home this summer (a special message for Fineprint readers from Water Safety New Zealand)

If you would like to talk further with us on any of the topics above, or indeed on any legal matter, please be in touch.

Trust Speaking – Spring 2017


Today we’ve published the Spring edition of Trust e-speaking; we hope you find the articles both interesting and useful.


– Trusts Bill: Deals with practical issues

– Retiring as a Trustee? there’s a process that should avoid any problems down the line

– Ageing trustees: know when to walk away

If you’d like to talk more on any of these topics, or of course on any other legal issue, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Property Speaking – Spring 2017


Today we’ve published the early 2017 Spring edition of Property Speaking. We hope you find this material both interesting and useful.

Inside you will find articles on:

– Making the most of your agreement to lease

– What are your rights when your tenants don’t pay up?

– Property briefs: buying a house – are you covered? – hidden titles – cross lease issues – warts and all clauses

To talk with us on any of these topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Rural Speaking – Spring 2017


Today we’ve published the Spring edition of Rural eSpeaking. We hope you find the articles both interesting and useful.


– Nuptial Settlements – have I made one?

– Fire Hazards – look after your property

– Over the Fence – Health and Safety legislation sentencing expected – judgements of rural interest – bobby calf regulations

To talk further on any of the above topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with us.

Fineprint – Winter 2017


Today we’ve published the Winter edition of our newsletter, Fineprint –


– A Helping Hand for First Home Buyers: Options for parents to help

– Up in the Air; using your drone

– Time to Update your T’s & C’s

– Getting your Enduring Powers of Attorney sorted out

– Postscript: Enforceable undertaking accepted by WorkSafe after two students hurt in St Kentigern’s School – Sweeney Todd production – Comparing KiwiSaver providers

If you’d like to talk further with us about any of the above topics, or indeed any other legal matter, please be in touch.

Property Speaking – Autumn / Winter 2017


Today we’ve published the Autumn/Winter 2017 edition of Property Speaking.

We hope you find this material both interesting and useful.

Inside you’ll find articles on:

– Sharing a driveway: know you rights and obligations

– Airbnb: key tax considerations

– Property briefs: Your kiwisaver funds – more flexible than you might think – more on multi offers – grants available to insulate rental properties.

To talk with us on any of these topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Fineprint – Autumn 2017


Today we’ve published the Autumn edition of our newsletter Fineprint.


– How Private is Private when taking photos in a Public Place?

– Rural Fires: Who is liable for the damage?

– Buying off the Plans: The advantages, pitfalls and the Kawarau Falls case.

– DIY at the Disputes Tribunal

– Postscript: Minimum wage review 2017 – Retirement Village Code of Practice update – keeping your energy costs down.

If you would like to talk further with us on any of the topics above, or indeed on any legal matter, please be in touch.

Rural Speaking – Autumn 2017


The Autumn 2017 edition of our regular farm focused e-newsletter, Rural eSpeaking is published today. We hope that you find the articles both interesting & useful.


– Clean Water Package2017: What does this mean for farmers?

– Good Husbandry: Give it some thought when buying & selling

– Over the Fence: Minimum wage review 2017 – Further implementation of bobby calf regulations – Tenant damage ruling overturned in the District Court

To talk further on any of the above topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with us.

Trust Speaking – Autumn 2017


Today we’ve published the Autumn edition of Trust e-speaking, we hope you find the articles both useful & interesting.


Trusts Bill: some key proposals

Will Your Business Survive if You Don’t? Planning is the key

Looking After Your Inheritance – Keep it Protected

If you’d like to talk more on any of these topics, or of course on any other legal issue, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Fineprint – Summer 2016


Today we’ve published the Summer edition of our newsletter, Fineprint.

Inside are these articles:

– Do all your Employees have Employment Agreements? And do they comply?

– Letting your Holiday House: make sure you know the rules

– Why is there Name Suppression in Court?

– Holiday Care Disputes involving Children

– Postscript: Knowing your credit score and new pool fencing law comes into force on 1st January 2017

If you would like to talk further with us on any of these topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please be in touch.

Rural Speaking – Summer 2016


The Summer 2016 edition of our regular farm focused e-newsletter – Rural eSpeaking is published today.

We hope that you find the articles both interesting & useful.


– Health & Safety, and Personal Trusteeships – Not a good mix these days

– Due Diligence – Check the primary documents

– Over the Fence:

Post-earthquake property settlement considerations – insurance,banking – drawdown of lending facilities, and settlement

Employment obligations in times of natural disasters

Review of the Property (Relationships) Act 1976

Dairy Industry Awards

To talk to us further on any of the above topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with us.

Property Speaking – Summer 2016


Today we’ve published the Summer 2016 edition of Property Speaking. We hope you find the material both interesting and useful.

Inside you’ll find articles on:

Property owners Should Get All Their Ducks in a Row: Make sure you have a Will & Enduring Powers of Attorney

Don’t rush into signing an agreement for Sale & Purchase: Always wait to get legal advice

Property Briefs – Meth testing in a property from a vendors perspective – Multi offers on a property – Terminating a commercial lease for unpaid rent

To talk with us in any of these topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us

Trust Speaking – Spring 2016


Today we’ve published the Spring edition of Trust eSpeaking; we hope you find the articles both interesting and useful.


– Beneficiaries entitlement to trust information: A frustration for trustees

– Trusts under attack by former spouses and partners: Trustees need to be cautious

– Foreign trusts: Tightening up the rules

If you’d like to talk more on any of these topics, or on any other legal issue, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Property Speaking – Winter 2016


Today we’ve published the Winter edition of Property Speaking –

Inside you will articles on:

– P- Contamination in residential property

– Looking at buying your first home? look into Kiwisaver

– Property briefs:

– The oven doesn’t work, what to do?

– Commercial CPI rent reviews

– Sections without connections

We’re happy to talk further with you on any of these topics, or indeed any other legal matter.

Rural Speaking – Winter / Spring 2016


Today we’ve published the Winter/Spring 2016 edition of our rural e-newsletter. We hope that you find the articles both interesting & useful.


– Obligations of working dog owners

– Providing accommodation to your farm staff?

– Over the fence – new regulations for bobby calves

– Employment: staff must be paid the minimum wage

– Rural fires & insurance

To talk further on any of the above topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with us.

Fineprint – Winter 2016


Today we’ve published the Winter edition of our newsletter – Fineprint –

Inside there are articles on:

– Protecting the elderly, using an Enduring Power of Attorney

– Easements: You want to do what on my land?

– Ni Hao; – Doing business with Chinese investors

– Drinking & driving – don’t do it

– Postscript: Proposed business tax changes – Smoke alarms & insulation are now required for rental properties – Health & Safety conference in September

If you’d like to talk further with us on any of the topics above, or indeed on any legal matter, please be in touch.

Property Speaking – Autumn 2016


Today we’ve published the Autumn 2016 edition of Property Speaking:

Inside you’ll find articles on:

Legal Boundaries – Why titles matter

Test the depth before you jump in – Always do due diligence

Property briefs

Misrepresentations in property transactions – keep to the facts

When builders go into liquidation

To talk with on any of these topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Fineprint – Autumn 2016


Today we’ve published the Autumn edition of our newsletter, Fineprint.

Inside there are articles on:

– Protecting Shareholder Advances & Guarantees

– Changing Landscape in the Workplace: New health & safety legislation comes into force in early April

– Are we in a De Facto Relationship?: there could be significant financial implications if you or your partner dies

– Cyberbullying – stopping the trolls

– Postscript: Computer virus scams – Getting organised for a new employee

If you would like to talk further with us on any of the topics above, or indeed any legal matter, please be in touch.

Rural Speaking – Autumn 2016


Today we publish the Autumn 2016 edition of our rural e-newsletter, Rural eSpeaking.


Health & Safety at Work: A new era begins

Time to Fence those Waterways: Resource Legislation Amendment Bill 2016

Over the Fence: Paid parental leave – changes ahead

Upcoming employment law changes

Minimum Wage Review 2016

New property taxation legislation

To talk further on any of the above topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Trust Speaking – Autumn 2016


Today we’ve published the Autumn edition of Trust eSpeaking, although its a little daunting to think of Autumn whilst we’re in the middle of this amazing summer.

We hope you find the articles in Trust both interesting & useful.


– Increase in Claims on Estates: How you can help avoid a claim on your own Estate

– Your Will: Who pays for your funeral?

– Parallel Trusts: Could be the best option for you

If you’d like to talk more on any of these topics, or on any other legal issue, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Fineprint – Summer 2015


Today we’ve published the Summer edition of our newsletter – Fineprint

Inside there are articles on:

– Legal Health Check for Businesses: It’s essential for your business to be compliant

– Getting your Personal Affairs in Order

– Teenagers & Alcohol

– Ensuring Sufficient Feed for Stock when Buying a Farm

– Postscript: Significant changes ahead in the construction industry – exchanging gifts – be safe this summer when you’re in the water

If you’d like to talk further with us on any of the topics above, or indeed on any legal matter, please be in touch.

Property Speaking Spring/Summer 2015


Today we’ve published the Spring/Summer edition of Property Speaking. We hope you find these property themed articles both interesting and useful.


The Bright-line Test: new requirements for buyers & sellers of residential property

Look before you leap into a contract: Conditional property agreements can turn around to bite you……

Property Briefs: Selling your property? Avoid payment of commission to more than one agent……. Contact us early on in the subdivision process, not right at the end

If you’d like to talk to us on any of these topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Trust Speaking – Spring 2015


Today we publish the Spring 2015 edition of Trust eSpeaking. We hope you find the articles both interesting and helpful.


Should you change your trustees? Always good to review

Worthy causes: Will your charitable donations reach the right people?

Trusts Update: A trust will need to have an IRD number to buy & sell residential property from 1st October 2015 – Companies acting as corporate trustees: 28th October is a critical date – Complying trusts

If you would like to talk more on any of these topics, or any other legal issue, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Rural Speaking – Spring 2015


​The Spring edition of our regular rural e-newsletter, Rural eSpeaking is published today


Inside there are items on:


– The Health and Safety Reform Bill: Select Committee reports back

– Section 21 Agreements & Trusts: are they a good mix for organising relationship property in the rural sector?

– Over the Fence:

Revised Federated Farmers’ contract for contract milking

Minimum Wage (Contractor Remuneration) Amendment Bill

Employment Standards Bill – minimum employment standards

Changes proposed to the Residential Tenancies Act 1986

Farmstrong: looking after yourself

Property Speaking – Winter 2015


​Today we’ve published the Winter 2015 edition of Property Speaking. We hope you find the articles both interesting and useful.




Doing up your house? Make sure you know what renovations need a building consent

Student Flats: Obligations of both landlords & tenants

Property Briefs: Look a little deeper……. taxing property gains: the proposed “bright line” test


If you’d like to talk with us on any of these topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Fineprint – Winter 2015


​Today we’ve published the Winter edition of our newsletter – Fineprint

Inside there are articles on:

– Developing an Intellectual Property Strategy: an integral part of your business strategy

– Rural Fires – who is liable?

– Ending Marriages of Short Duration: “I give this marriage a year”

– Reading of the Will: – Busting some of the myths regarding Wills

– Postscript: Select Committee’s recommendations on Health & Safety Reform


If you’d like to talk further with us in any of the topics above, or indeed on any legal matter, please get in touch

Property Speaking – Autumn 2015


​Today we’ve published the Autumn 2015 edition of Property Speaking. We hope you find the articles both interesting and useful.

Inside: The Changing Course of a River Can Alter Your Boundaries: Accretion vs Avulsion

Get a Building Report when You’re Buying a New House

Property Briefs: Rent reviews and the value of a LIM report

If you’d like to talk with us on any of these topics, or indeed on any legal matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Fineprint – Autumn 2015


​Today we publish the Autumn 2015 edition of Fineprint. We hope you find the articles interesting and of use to you.


40 Business Tips for every small & medium enterprise: keeping your business in tip-top condition

The Rural Lease: It’s not just another piece of paper.

Helping your Children into their first home: mitigating your risk if their relationship breaks up.

“Who let the Dogs out?”

Postscript: Parental leave changes – debt collectors will now need a licence – Tradies win in “claw back” case

If you’d like to talk further with us on any topic in Fineprint, or indeed on any other legal issue, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with us.

Trust Speaking – Summer 2015


​Today we’ve published the Summer 2015 edition of Trust eSpeaking. We hope you enjoy reading this e-newsletter.


– Protecting your digital assets

– Duties of an Attorney under an Enduring Power of Attorney

– FATCA and New Zealand Trusts: Many trusts may require registration with the United States IRS under the FATCA regime


If you’d like to talk more on any of these topics, or indeed any other legal issue, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Rural Speaking – Summer 2014


​Today we’ve published the Summer 2014 edition of Rural Speaking. We hope you find the articles both interesting & useful.


Town & Country: Not always a good mix

Trust decision making: What are the rules?

Over the fence – Redundancy

– Mid season dairy farm settlements

– New Zealand Diary Industry Awards

– Resource consents: Compliance & enforcements


If you’d like any advice on the above topics, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with us.

Property Speaking – Summer 2014


The Summer 2014 edition includes

Residential Building Contracts: Homework Important when building

Facebook : Is this your personal property or not ?

Property briefs: Owning a cross lease, cross lease insurance, making alterations to your dwelling on a cross lease title.

Fineprint – Summer 2014



The Health & Safety Reform Bill: Be prepared early for significant changes

Business Succession Planning

Good fences: Significant responsibilities for rural landowners

Family Dispute Resolution: A new service to help families in conflict

Postscript: 90-day trial period – New drink driving laws introduced in time for Christmas – Relationship Property update

Trust Speaking – Spring 2014


Dying without a Will? Messy, expensive and time-consuming. Common Intention Constructive Trusts: The new weapon of trust law? Importance of an ‘Independent’ Trustee: Reduces risk.

Rural Speaking – Winter / Spring 2014


Protecting Your Brand: Looking after the intellectual property. Health and Safety Reforms: Who will be responsible on the farm? Over the Fence: Minimum wage order change; Animal Welfare (Dairy Cattle) Code of Welfare 2010 has been revoked; Farm buildings to be exempt from assessments.

Property Speaking – Winter 2014


All Trustees Must Sign when Dealing with Trust Assets: No shortcuts when dealing with property. Paper Roads and Public Access: Now easier to find. Property Briefs: Joint tenancy v tenancy in common; Forcing a sale and property sharing agreements; Relationship property update – 30/70 asset split.

Fine Print – Winter 2014


Satisfying Conditions in Agreement for Sale and Purchase: Must use your best endeavours to satisfy. Criminal Sanctions for Those Involved in Cartels: Proposed changes beef up the Commerce Act 1986. Farm Succession Planning: What’s important – is it the family or the farm? Careful Planning Needed for Blended Families. Postscript: Locate cables before you dig; Planning to go into business? Get yourself a head start on health and safety.

Property Speaking – Autumn 2014


Kid Gloves Needed: GST schedule in Agreement for Sale and Purchase. Retirement Village Living: Best or worst investment? Property Briefs: Change on the way for taxation of property investment; P-lab testing; Cross leases.

Rural Speaking – Autumn 2014


Personal Property Securities Register: Be careful when selling stock. Animal Welfare Amendment Bill: Better enforcement, clarity and transparency. Over the Fence: Public holidays – Waitangi Day and ANZAC Day; Minimum wage review 2014; Sharemilking arrangements; Contractual considerations when entering into Agreement for Sale & Purchase of Farms – ‘Proper Farming’.

Fineprint – Autumn 2014


Major Revamp of Consumer Law: Implications for your business. The Dismissal Process: Getting it right and being fair. The Perils of Effluent Discharge: Sorting out the muck in the air. Relationship Property Developments. Postscript: Latest IRD phishing scam; Helping prevent workplace bullying.

Trust Speaking – Summer / Autumn 2014


Risks for Trustees: Health and safety, and other laws, can affect trustees. When a Trustee Loses Capacity: Removing and replacing incapacitated trustees. Looking into the Election Crystal Ball: A change in government may have implications for your trust.


Rural Speaking – Summer 2013


Rural Buildings: Earthquake-prone buildings? Independent Trustees: Understanding your liability. Over the Fence: Farmers: Be careful of minimum wage requirements; Livestock grazing; Entries now open for the Dairy Industry Awards.

Fineprint – Summer 2013


Sources of Cash for Business: Evaluating what best suits your business needs. The New Patents Act: How it could affect your business. Door-to-Door Salespeople: Protecting yourself. Animal Welfare: Caring for your herd or your family pet. Postscript: Employment law update; New tax deduction law for bach owners; Trust law to be overhauled.